Recent statistics: Hispanic lesbian and couples adopt at higher rate than other same-sex couples.

 According to Social Work Today, Latino gay and
lesbian couples adopt more children than other same-sex couples.
The online resource for social workers reports on a study conducted
by Alliant International University and highlights

interesting facts about same-sex couples in Florida

Among the research results:

  • Male same-sex couples where both partners are Hispanic raise
    children at more than three times the rate (58%) than white
    non-Hispanic male same-sex couples (19%).
  • Female same-sex couples in which both partners are Hispanic
    raise children at more than twice the rate (66%) of white
    non-Hispanic female same-sex couples (32%).
  • More Hispanic female same-sex couples (54%) report raising at
    least one child under the age of 18, compared to Hispanic married
    opposite-sex couples (70%) and Hispanic cohabiting opposite-sex
    couples (59%).

(Crossposted at